Can Heather Locklear's Amanda Woodward bring 'Melrose Place' back to pop-culture prominence?

Everyone ready for the return of Amanda Woodward? Yes, Heather Locklear is debuting on the revamped Melrose Place tonight and I can’t wait. The only tragic thing about this reboot so far (other than the acting “skills” of Ashlee Simpson and what’s-his-name who plays Auggie) is the low ratings. This show is trashy, addictive fun (and I’m not just saying that as EW’s designated Melrose recapper) — I just wish I had more Melrose-watching friends so we could dish about Ella or laugh at Violet’s “seductive moves.” (Thank goodness I sit near Michael Slezak.)

I’m hoping with the combination of Amanda’s return and (spoiler alert) the dismissal of Auggie and Violet, more viewers might move into Melrose Place 2.0. Katie Cassidy’s Ella needs to become pop-culture fodder the same way Jane, Michael, Sydney, Billy, and Allison did during the original Melrose era. Just check out this Seinfeld clip when Jerry finally admitted he was a watcher!

Who else will be watching Amanda tonight?

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