The 30-Second Plea: It's time(d) for Jay Harrington of 'Better Off Ted' to sell you on his show

Jay Harrington
Photo: Karen Neal/ABC

In the spirit of Christmas/Hanukkah/winter holiday of your choosing, we at have generously decided to donate some of our time to those who could use a little pick-me-up. That’s why we are kicking off a new franchise called The 30-Second Plea. Here’s how it works: We’ll give a celebrity 30 seconds—but not a second more—to tell us why we should watch his show or listen to her album. In return, we ask for nothing (other than an entertaining half-minute pitch). The first recipient of our kindness is Jay Harrington, star of the ABC office comedy Better Off Ted. Last season, BOT’s laughs proved to be bigger than its ratings, so as the comedy returns for season 2 tonight at 9:30 p.m., the amiable Mr. Harrington makes his timely—and timed—plea for to watch. Press play and tell us: Will you be tuning in? (And if you’re reading this after checking out the premiere, what did you think of the episode?)

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