ATV exclusives: 'Chuck' fight, 'Castle' reunion, and a 'House'/'Glee' mystery!

If this week’s Ausiello TV is to be believed, it’s gonna be a long (very long), hot (very hot) winter (very winter). Wait, “very winter”? What does that even mean?

Anyway, not only does the episode feature a short film best described as Mike and Annie Make a Porno, it includes scoop on an X-rated plot twist involving one of the guys from one of the shows you’re obsessed with.

Also, there’s the at-least-somewhat-less-salacious live-action (as opposed to photographic) first look at Alyssa Milano’s guest stint on Castle, and my not-at-all-sexually-titillating (or maybe it is… ) exclusive first look at Chuck showing off his new endowment. Of powers, I mean.

Whatever floats your boat, climb aboard by pressing play…

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