HBO On Demand's 'True Blood' season 1 marathon is on our Must List. What's on yours?

There’s nothing like finding out that an entire first season of a show is On Demand. (Well, except for maybe finding it for free on Hulu: Arrested Development‘s is available through Dec. 31.) If you’ve got HBO On Demand, now is the time to get into True Blood. The first 12 episodes just became available again.

A True Blood season 1 marathon is what we’re loving this week. What’s on your Must List? Submit your pick by noon ET Wednesday. Remember to include an e-mail and some clever commentary on that TV/movie/music/book/online distraction. You could end up in the magazine.

More True Blood:

Part 1 of Michael Ausiello’s interview with newly-cast Alcide, Joe Manganiello

Part 2: Will Alcide win Sookie’s heart

Alexander Skarsgard behind the scenes at EW’s Entertainers of the Year shoot!

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