'Ugly Betty' Bites: 20 bright quips from last night's episode, 'Blackout!'


The blackout-in-Manhattan storyline is nothing new (hello, last season's Gossip Girl!), but regardless, the Ugly Betty producers did a nice job with wrapping <a href="

But now, wondering, will there be new assistants for Willy and Daniel? Or will those roles sort of fade into the background as the show focuses more on Betty and Marc's now-more-important positions? Personally, I hope it's the later—no need to fumble around with new, annoying assistants when the show is jam-packed with great characters already. I'll say it again: Ugly Betty is firing on all creative cylinders right now.

And as a bonus, the Marc-getting-promoted storyline also produced one of the funniest lines of the night. "I'm not the emotional type, but you can write yourself a nice note from me," Willy told her beloved former assistant, after she delivered him the news. Awwww. She loves him, even if she's a bitch about it. I die over Vanessa Williams as Wilhelmina Slater. But that wasn't the only funny one-liner of the night. Here were the quips that had me busting a gut:

"I have to decide on my comedic monologue. It's between Moliére and one of Brad's breakdowns from The Rachel Zoe Project." —Justin, on prepping for his upcoming audition

"When I say, 'Don't go in the hall, it's there,' that's what I mean." —Amanda, after Betty reminds her and Marc that she lives across the hall from them

"If only she would apply some of that pluck to her chin hair." —Marc, after Amanda says that Betty is "a real go-getter"

"To what? Schedule your naps?" —Wilhelmina, wondering what kind of work Daniel could be giving their shared assistant, Marc

"I wanna kill myself. Wilhelmina and Daniel will not stop fighting over me. This ménage a moi has got to stop! I hate being in the middle. I mean, unless there's a Gyllenhaal involved." —Marc, on the push and pull of being both Daniel and Wilhelmina's assistant

"I just got an amaze-balls idea. Why don't you let me work some of my manipulative magic on Mommy and Daddy Mode?" —Amanda, trying to convince Marc to let her help with the Daniel-Willy situation

"Marc, I know you're upset, but it's not like Hot Guys of the Israeli Army can't be downloaded again." —Amanda, while Marc is freaking out that his laptop was stolen

"Marc went home sick? He'd never had the never to do that on my watch." —Willy, after Amanda tells her that Marc left early

"Look, I don't know what kind of kinky relationship you and Daniel have, but Daddy is not keeping me from any meeting." —Willy, after Amanda "lets it slip" that "Daddy" Daniel is having a meeting without her

"I hope for your sake you didn't just use the words 'dog' or 'beta' in relation to me." —Willy, after her couples counselor calls her the "beta dog" in her messy relationship with Daniel

"I was merely making an observation. Can I help it if your head has a weird, elliptical arc to it?!" —Willy, after Daniel complains to their couples counselor that she called him an "egghead" earlier that day

"Betty! I am working my ass off here! Please don't take away my music! We'll be left with conversation, and that is not going to work with his house of trolls." —Amanda, while working Betty's karaoke party filled with residents from their building

"Oh thank God you're here, I'm running out of body parts to entertain people with!" —Amanda, when Betty shows up at the karaoke party with pizza

"Oh my God! Betty's voice brought darkness to the land…" —Amanda, after NYC experienced a blackout while Betty was karaoking

"She loves working through natural disasters. She's probably there going through submissions right now. Remember the blizzard of 2003? She closed an entire issue all by herself." —Marc, lamenting the blackout in NYC and how his boss Willy functions in such situations

"Please! I'm more of a man than you'll ever be." —Willy, after Daniel contends that he's a "real man"

"I know Marc might not walk like a man or talk like a man, and his features are vaguely lesbian. But the truth is that he's my one constant over the years." —Willy, simultaneously insulting and praising her assistant Marc

"It was bold, Suarez, even for someone who sometimes wears socks with heels." —Marc, after Betty broke her and Marc out of the apartment building

"I'm not the emotional type, but you can write yourself a nice note from me." —Willy, after Marc tries to give her a hug when he gets the junior fashion editor job

"I was in the hallway and I thought I smelled something, so I came over to make sure you weren't dead." —Marc, while stopping by Betty's apartment, which is across the hall from his

What quip am I missing? Which one do you love most? Did you love this episode?

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Photo: David Giesbrecht/ABC

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