Sneak Peek at Snoop Dogg back on 'One Life to Live'

Snoop Dogg returns to his soap home tomorrow when he guest stars on One Life to Live for the second time in two years. Once again he’ll play a version of himself (one with ties to the fictional town of Llanview), perform a new song, and act. Snoop’s said that he grew up watching this show and has a special affinity for Robert S. Woods and his Bo character. That’s probably why the pioneering rapper once again seems to really enjoy being a part of the action. Take a look as Snoop talks Bo and Nora Buchanan (Hillary B. Smith) into letting their son Matthew (Eddie Alderson) go to his concert at Capricorn, the local club.

The remixed the OLTL theme song that Snoop did for his 2008 appearance will air again on this Wednesday’s show. And Snoop will perform “I Wanna Rock” from his new album Malice N Wonderland.

More Snoop on One Life to Live:

Soap Dogg

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