'Melrose Place' has a new guy playing doctor

I was thinking, guiltily, that I haven’t really missed Melrose Place during its three-month hiatus, but now The CW has lured me back in with this teaser of the complex complex’s newest resident. Hello, Dr. Drew! (No, not that one.) Let’s face it, a new box of pool tiles would be more interesting than Auggie, but this guy is much better than the Auggster: a) he is playing a character with an actual human personality and b) Nick Zano (the Cougar Town hottie!) doesn’t seem to share an acting teacher with Ashlee Simpson. I’ll let the vampire joke slide just this once, because he’s a hot doctor who also plays beer pong.

I thought I was over it, but now I am definitely going to watch tonight and see what trouble will be stirred up by Amanda and Ella. Anyone else excited for the return of Melrose tonight?

Also catch a preview of Ella’s new fashions and the full teaser for tonight’s episode, “Oriole.”

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