Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on 'Lost,' 'Glee,' 'Sons of Anarchy,' 'Supernatural,' 'House,' and more!

Image Credit: Adam Taylor/Fox; Prashant Gupta/HBO; Liane Hentscher/Fox; Jack Rowand/The CWGot a scoop request? An anonymous tip you're dying to share? Just want to say hi? You can send any/all of the above to

Question: After the "Happily Ever After" episode of Lost, I no longer believe that Sawyer and Kate will be happening. If they were, they would have had an epiphany in the elevator scene in sideways world from the "LA X" episode. But they didn't. Care to comment? —Caroline

Ausiello: I have no solid information to back up your theory, but I'll admit it's a good one. Speaking of destiny and fate and all that jazz, an unlikely romance will take shape in early May. Normally I'd tell you to start speculating in the comments section but there's really no point. You'll never guess this one. Trust me.

Question: Ugly Betty is ending in a week — please spoil us one last time before the finale! —Miagkaia

Ausiello: I ran into executive producer Sheila Lawrence at the show's wrap party last week and here's what she had to say about next Wednesday's swan song: "Every character ends up in a good place — this is Ugly Betty after all," she teased. "Amanda has a question answered that's been looming since Season 2, Justin has a dream come true, and Wilhelmina quite possibly has the happiest ending of all."

Question: Aus, I gave up for Lent. Have I missed anything huge? Or better, do you have anything to welcome me back with? —Laura

Ausiello: Hugh Laurie directs Monday's House and, to mark the occasion, he's giving Ask Ausiello readers this exclusive preview: "A baby goes missing from the maternity ward — you know how babies are low-jacked in the hospital these days — so the hospital is locked down until the baby is found. It's a rather more elegant way of doing the 'stuck elevator' plot line." Oh, wait, you asked for big news. Um… Dean [spoiler] [spoiler] in Supernatural's 100th episode next Thursday!

Question: Do you have any Sons of Anarchy scoop about Jax/Tara for us poor fans who are going through withdrawal? —Lia

Ausiello: SOA's third season (debuting next fall) will find the star-crossed lovers reeling from the trauma of season 2. "They're both struggling with who they are as a couple," reveals series creator Kurt Sutter. "It's made them both take a step back. It was a reality check and it will impact everything they do throughout the season."

Question: I am on my hands and knees begging here! Please give me any scoop for Sons of Anarchy! —Nia

Ausiello: As you no doubt heard, Caprica's Paula Malcolmson is joining the cast for eight episodes as… um… "I don't want to give too much away," hedges Kurt Sutter, "but I can tell you that her character's name is Maureen and she is based in Belfast."

Question: I am Mentalist obsessed and, therefore, determined to squeeze spoilers out of you like juice from a lemon. But I am going to play it differently this time, and be specific: Will we ever find out what happened to the pony Jane got Lisbon for her birthday? —Rachel

Ausiello: Yes, but executive producer Bruno Heller has chosen a most unusual venue to make the reveal: This week's Ask Ausiello! Heller tells me that Lisbon gave the pony to an orphanage in the country. Coming up in next week's AA: Heller unmasks Red John!

Question: The final season of The Tudors starts Sunday, and you haven't given us a thing! Can we get some scoop pretty, pretty please? —Tina

Ausiello: The premiere, which Showtime has already made available on YouTube, focuses on the drama stirred up by Henry's new teenage bride, Katherine. In episodes 2 and 3, meanwhile, Kath's bitter feud with Princess Mary intensifies (leaving one of them in tears), and a torrid affair commences between two characters.

Question: You, my friend, have turned me into a true spoilerfiend! I demand compensation in the form of House spoilers regarding my fave duo, Chase and Thirteen! —Helena

Ausiello: I'm not sure if this is related to Chateen — is that even a thing? — but there's a crisis looming for Olivia Wilde's switch-hittin' MD. "[Thirteen] is really going to need her strength at the end of the season," teases Wilde, "but I will not say anything more because it could give something away."

Question: Any scoop from Brothers & Sisters? —Kristine

Ausiello: Game-changing fatality alert! Brace for impact!

Question: Any season 2 White Collar scoop? How will Neal cope with Kate's death? —Joe

Ausiello: "The first season was [all about] Neal's pursuit of Kate," says series creator Jeff Eastin. "[Next] season is about Neal's pursuit of the person who killed Kate. We're really shifting to more of a Gladiator style mythology. Peter's quest this year will be trying to figure out what the music box means and what the clue in that ultimately leads to. At some point, those mythologies will crisscross."

Question: If I said The Smurfs is the best show of all time, might you give me some Castle scoop? —Lori P.

Ausiello: No need to kiss up. I love Castle and never get sick of talking about it. As I previously reported, Nip/Tuck's Kelly Carlson appears in Monday's episode as an actress whom Beckett suspects is sleeping with Castle just to get a role in the Nikki Heat movie. And I can confirm that we do get to see them sleep together. I can also confirm that B gets a wee bit jealous, even though she insists Castle doesn't have to hide his "I just got laid" voice.

Question: Please can I get some scoop on season 2 of United States of Tara? P.S. I love you. —Eric C

Ausiello: And I love… me, too. On the scoop front, Tara's new alter — therapist Shoshanna — makes her debut next week. Marshall, meanwhile, finally comes out to his parents.

Question: I'm sort of obsessed with your First Look photo of Alcide and Sookie on True Blood. What exactly is going on in the scene? They look a little, um, startled. —Barry

Ausiello: Their search for Bill takes them to a werewolf bar in Jackson, Mississippi — "hence the howling wolf silhouetted behind them," notes exec producer Alan Ball. "They're doing a little amateur sleuthing and they're sort of surprised by what they find." My guess? This is what they find.

Question: Any chance Lois Smith could return to True Blood as Sookie's dearly departed Gram? —Carly

Ausiello: "There's a chance," e.p. Alan Ball told my assistant colleague, Tim Stack. "I don't think she's gonna come back and go like, 'Oh, you know what? I'm not dead!' But she certainly can appear in flashbacks or in visions or perhaps there's a different reality that someone might go into." I could be mistaken, but that last option smells like a major spoiler. And believe you me, I know what a major spoiler smells like. (For the record, a major spoiler smells like a mix of eggs, cookie dough, and freshly-cut grass.)

Question: Last week's Fringe was epic! Any scoop on when we will be seeing Peter's mom again? I had never seen the actress who played her before. She's friggin' fantastic. —Rachel

Ausiello: Her name's Orla Brady, she was friggin' fantastic, and I can confirm exclusively that she's returning for the two-part finale, titled "Over There, Part 1" and "Over There, Part 2," airing May 13 and May 20 respectively.

Question: I was watching an old Buster Keaton silent movie this weekend and thought that if they ever made a biopic of The Great Stone Face, Jim Parsons would be perfect for the role. Can you pass that on to him? And could you also see what scoop on The Big Bang Theory you can get for us? —Todd

Ausiello: Do I look like a carrier pigeon to you? Don't answer that. Here's your scoop: News that Mayim Bialik is joining the hitcom as a like interest for Jim Parsons should be interpreted as a sign that Sheldon is cheating on his first love, physics. "The way Sheldon deals with her will be consistent with the way we've seen Sheldon deal with the world up until now. He won't not be Sheldon," says EP Bill Prady. "[But] she'll be someone that Sheldon certainly appreciates."

Question: Thanks for all the Big Bang Theory scoops. One more, please? —Justin

Ausiello: Look for the Leonard-Penny-Sheldon dynamic to morph into an unorthodox triangle following a certain imminent break-up. Hint: It's true what they say — when parents divorce it's the kids who suffer.

Question: Nurse Jackie spoilers, please! —Katy

Ausiello: Someone gets their nose broken. Twice.

Question: My parents have been divorced for over 25 years yet they still see eye-to-eye on one thing: They both want to know if we will see Dom again on NCIS: LA. Will we? —Kati

Ausiello: Tell your parents to sit tight until May sweeps.

Question: Can you please narrow down the pregnancy blind item just a wee bit more? —Maggie S.

Ausiello: Yes, but not here. Too many witnesses. Meet me here on Friday for another clue. And come alone.

Question: Did Katherine Heigl sign a contract to play Stephanie Plum in the first of Janet Evanovich's book, One For the Money? —Regina

Ausiello: Yes. It's the reason she's sportin' a darker 'do. "I just knew when I got attached to the role that there were a lot of fans of the books going, 'Huh? How can Katherine Heigl be Stephanie Plum?'" confesses Heigl. "I'm this little, like, uptight blond playing all these über-neurotic characters. I really want to deliver this character to the fans because I'm obsessed with the books and I have this idea in my head of Stephanie, and I know how disappointing it is to have your favorite book turn into a movie and it not be what you hoped for. And I know how exhilarating it is when they nail it and you're like, "Yes!" Like the first Harry Potter I was like, 'Oh my God, they created this world, not exactly the way I saw it in my brain, but in a way that totally fits and works and is awesome.' And I wanted to do that for the fans of this book. I didn't want to disappoint them, so I thought, 'Well, I'll just jump right in now and start walkin' around town as a brunette and see if people buy it!'"

Question: Are we ever going to see more of Vampire Diaries' werewolf, Tyler? He's been surprisingly absent since that foreboding full moon. —Marz

Ausiello: "I think it is more interesting to keep [his inner werewolf] hidden or suppressed," says exec producer Kevin Williamson, "and instead play out his aggression and daddy issues and things that are associated with a wolf without making him a wolf." The werewolf card will eventually be played because "wherever there are vampires, there are usually wolves nearby," notes Williamson. "My biggest concern is what the weekly special effect is going to look like. That takes careful preparation and a lot of money and some testing. We're working on it now to figure out what we can do that won't just look stupid. And they have to still be sexy — because, let's face it, we cast these beautiful people for a reason."

Question: I need Vampire Diaries scoop, please! —Vanessa

Ausiello: Ian Somerhalder predicts that Team Damon will experience a surge in popularity as the season winds down. "I think we are going to find out more about Stefan that might make fans switch teams," he says. "He isn't all goodie-two-shoes hero-boy."

Question: I just read that Alaina Huffman will be returning to Smallville in the show's May 14 season finale, "Salvation," as Dinah Lance/The Black Canary. Will any other members of the Justice Society or Justice League appear? —Aled

Ausiello: Yes indeedly do. The finale will also feature comebacks by Hawkman, Cyborg, and Stargirl.

Question: Can you maybe try to narrow down who's getting a visit from the Grim Reaper on Smallville? –Alex

Ausiello: It's not Lex. Or Clark. Or *****a.


Ausiello: A *a*o* *o***e *i** ***a* **.

Question: Glee starts back up again in less than a week, which means I'm almost done harassing you for scoop. This is my final plea: one more little tidbit? —Loki

Ausiello: You're about to get an answer to one of the show's most puzzling mysteries: What Sue's beef with Will's hair? And speaking of Sue, there's a surprising (and hilarious) hookup in her future (May sweeps to be precise). Guesses? Hit the comments!

Question I'm hearing that Scott Porter and Gaius Charles will both be reprising their roles on Friday Night Lights in season 5. Any truth to this? —Kaitlin

Ausiello: It's true that Jason Katims wants them back. But it remains to be seen if he'll get his wish. "We have ideas for Gaius Charles and Scott Porter, as well as other [former MVPs] like Adrienne Palicki and Zach Gilford," says FNL's boss. "If this is the final season, we want to build toward an ending that will honor all the seasons of the show. We particularly want to come up with something for the Taylor family that feels organic as an ending and [harkens back] to the first moments of the pilot."

Question: I'm loving Parenthood. It's so great to have Lauren Graham back in my living room again. And the cast is great together. Any news on whether the show's getting picked up for a second season or not? —Kay

Ausiello: I'm loving Parenthood, too. Head over to my Bubble Show Scorecard for some very good news about the show's season 2 prospects.

Question: How long is Jason Ritter's stint on Parenthood? Any chance we'll be seeing more of Mike O'Malley? —Lelia

Ausiello: Ritter's in the midst of a three-episode arc and exec producer Jason Katims says they're "trying to bring him back for the season finale." O'Malley, meanwhile, returns in episode 9.

Question: Are viewers going to see a relationship develop with Crosby and Jasmine on Parenthood? —Jane

Ausiello: I put that question to Jason Katims, to which he sheepishly replied, "You may just." (Translation: Yes!)

Question: The recent synopsis posted about Supernatural's 100th episode has me curious. Do you know who the familiar face is and what the angels' new plan consists of? —Andy

Ausiello: At the risk of someone sending the angels after me, the person is someone you definitely thought was dead and gone forever. And I can tell you how one trench coat-wearing angel plans to stop the apocalypse: beat Dean to a pulp.

That's a wrap! Please send questions, comments, anonymous tips to Also, you can follow me on Twitter via @ewausiellofiles. Thanks for playing! (Additional reporting by Carrie Bell, Sandra Gonzalez, Vlada Gelman, and Keith Staskiewicz)

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