'16 and Pregnant' recap: 10 things I'm glad (well...) I learned


If you went from watching Glee to 16 and Pregnant last night, join me in lauding the shockingly seamless transition in our programming choices. Not only did both shows give us a helping of pregnant teen, but 16 and Pregnant met Glee point-for-point in the cheating baby daddy department and in the music appreciation category. Brava!

Flute-player Lizzie had dreams of becoming a musician and going to college. Then she got a baby on board, and those plans came crashing down. She had a 19-year-old boyfriend named Skylar, who put a ring on her hand during the episode but turned out to have cheated on her months earlier. SPOILER: They stayed together, but not without experiencing classic teen-parent financial troubles. Their educations also took a hit, specifically Lizzie’s. Despite getting her high school diploma 5 months early (and subsequently starting college early), Lizzie dropped out to stay home with her baby. By the end of the episode, the young couple was left happy with their baby, but they faced an uncertain future in more ways than one.

But there’s so much to the story. And from that, I’ve carved out 10 pearls of wisdom for you:

++ The youth of today have not lost a love for the arts. Skylar aimed to become a professional glass blower.

++ First there was the East Coast–West Coast hip-hop rivalry. Then there was Team Edward and Team Jacob. Now, there is new dividing line that you didn’t see coming: Trumpets vs. Flute. Says Lizzie: “Trumpets give flutes a lot of crap.”

++ If you want your child to grow up and be in a ska band, you might be too young to have a kid.

++ For the guys: A sign your guy friend might be too emotionally invested in your bromance? He says something like ”I hope this doesn’t change” when talking about your guy time. Never get between a camouflage-clad dude and his bro. That goes for you, too, unborn baby.

++ You should never put off getting birth control because you don’t want to have the gynecological exam. TMI, but thanks anyway, Lizzie’s mom.

++ Grinding is apparently non-optional when attending to a school dance. Lizzie opted out of going to her Homecoming dance because she didn’t want her belly in her way as she did so.

++ There are flying Vs in Virginia!

++ Proposals are nowhere near as adorable as they appear in movies. In fact, they might be 100 times more awkward. And I don’t blame the Crab Shack.

++ There is such a thing as belly rings for pregnant ladies. Not. Cute. Lizzie’s mom observes: “It looks like a toothpick with two pink dots at the end.”

++ Some girls blame themselves for their boyfriend’s cheating. Not okay! I think a semester of boyfriend education classes are in order…

So what about you, Popwatchers? Did you catch 16 and Pregnant? What did you think? And do you share my thoughts about the preview for next week’s season finale (which are, of course: woah and woah!)?

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