'Ugly Betty' Bites: The show's brilliant last 18 one-liners from its series finale, 'Hello Goodbye'!

Image Credit: ABC

I already wrote about why Ugly Betty mattered so much to me, so I won't get too sappy here in my last Ugly Betty Bites entry ever. But before I offer up the last digest of genius quips from the show, I will say that the finale last night was a nice little button for the series. A super-sweet end to a super-sweet series!

Sure, you could get critical of the fact that everyone ended up with a happily ever after. But why shouldn't they? Personally, I'm happy to see all of my favorite characters end their run on television happy. Betty landed in London with her new job and even ran into Daniel, who relinquished his job at Mode. The former assistant even jokingly offering him a job as her assistant. (Oh, how the tables turned!) Hilda and Bobby got their happily ever after with a beautiful wedding and place in Manhattan. Justin continued to be happily out with his too cute relationship with Austin. Marc, rather unexpectedly, seemed to "rekindle" things with Troy and take on more responsibility at Mode. Amanda got over Halston's death and found her long-lost father. Wilhelmina softened, reconnected with Connor, and landed as the sole editor in chief of Mode. Claire seemed to bury the hatchet with Wilhelmina and end the family drama between Daniel and Tyler.

Overall, I think the beauty of the hour was how it echoed the series' pilot. Didn't you get the feeling that, yet again, Betty had a new lease on life? That she was taking the next step toward pursuing her dreams by going to London? That she was once again broadening her horizons? I cried when Betty got into the car for the airport and said goodbye to her family. But it felt like, over the four seasons, we'd watched Betty grow up and it only made sense for her to move on. How fitting.

Also fitting, of course, were the tons of good lines served up. Here, enjoy my last round-up of the juicy, funny, bitchy, super-smart quips from the last episode of Ugly Betty ever:

"Wilhelmina Slater is still unconscious after a mysterious shooting at the Mode offices. And that bullet must have been filled with beauty powder because she looks ravishing!" —Suzuki St. Pierre, reporting on the news that Willy was shot

"Her long-time nemesis Claire Meade was the sole witness. She claims the shooting was an accident, which has fashionistas everywhere straining to raise their eyebrows." —Suzuki St. Pierre, adding a little flourish to his reports about Willy being shot and in a coma

"B, how can you move to London? Won't you miss all the kidnapping, shooting, and murder at Mode?" —Justin, to his Aunt Betty

"We are going to spice you up so much you're going to forget you're white!" —Hilda, to Justin's boyfriend Austin

"You know, I think this is the best conversation we've ever had!" —Marc, after having a one-sided conversation with Willy, who was in a coma at the time

"We are a food-free household! And you need to lose some weight, so it's really a win-win." —Amanda, after its revealed that instead of keeping food in the apartment's freezer, she's keeping the body of her dead dog Halston

"Now flap those bat wings of yours and get out!" —Wilhelmina, after Claire comes to talk to her in the hospital

"You know I steal when I get upset!" —Amanda, to Marc, who's caught her filling up a bag with shoes from Mode, where she no longer works

"Hey Amanda. Wow, I actually see you more now than when you actually worked here." —Betty, upon encountering Amanda in the Mode fashion closet

"Betty, I can't live without you." —Daniel, trying to come to terms with his feelings for Betty, after she gave her notice at Mode

"Who shot the diabolical diva? And what piece of gorgeous piece of couture did they blast a hole through?" —Suzuki St. Pierre, pontificating about the Willy shooting mystery just before the diva is set to make a statement about what happened

"As you can imagine, work really piles up when you're in a coma." —Willy, at the beginning of her press conference to talk about what happened when she got shot

"Aunt Betty, you are all about risk! You took a job at Mode magazine. You showed up your first day in a poncho. That reeked of disaster." —Justin, convincing his Aunt Betty that she's making the right decision by taking the job in London

"Oh, what do you know? You're recently hatched from the gay egg. You still have a lot to learn about relationships." —Marc, to Justin, who's trying to convince Marc to rekindle things with his old "boyfriend" Troy

"Look out, skinny bitches! I don't care who sits here. This big orange donut will always be mine! And Halston's…" —Amanda, standing on her iconic, old receptionist's desk during Halston and Betty's goodbye party

"I never thought I'd say this, but you've got big balls, Betty Suarez." —Willy, upon finding out that Betty is leaving Mode for a new job in London

"It was the '80s. Studio 54. I got so blitzed out of my mind I thought Fey was Andy Warhol." —Spencer, after revealing that he slept with Fey Sommers, meaning that he's Amanda's father

"Hey, if you're looking for something to do, I am looking for a new assistant." —Betty, after encountering Daniel in London upon her arrival there

Ugly Betty fans, which sound bites did I miss? Which was your favorite? What'd you think of the finale?

Tanner on Twitter: @EWTanStransky

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