'Party Down' is no more: All good things must come to an end, I guess...

Photo: Colleen Hayes/Starz

Image Credit: Colleen Hayes/StarzWe all knew it was coming, but Starz finally made it official: Party Down will party no more. The recently concluded second season will be the brilliant show’s last. Cue my Ron Donaldson-level tears.

Party Down is one of my favorite shows of the last few years, and easily my most rewatched series since, oh, West Wing. I’m crushed that it’s ending, but…I’m not sure a Party Down without Henry was a show I wanted to watch. Megan Mullally stepped into her role about as well as anyone could have, and I still missed Constance all season — imagining the same scenario with Henry is enough to convince me that maybe this is the right time to say adios to the show. Henry was the beating heart of the series, and while theoretically it could have survived without his cynical (yet charming!) commentary, is that really the Party Down I want? It’s just not.

So happy trails, Party Down. You had a great run — a terrific two seasons that I will quote forever and will recommend to people for years and years. I will call lemons “sun eggs” in your honor. It was great while it lasted, but we all knew it wouldn’t last.

Are you as bummed out as I am, PopWatchers? Is this the end of Veronica Mars all over again?

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