PopWatch Confessional: What's the most embarassing show on your DVR?

The Hills
Photo: MTV

My cousin visited me a few weekends ago, and we spent the better (and more hot and humid) part of the day, watching TV and basking in the glory of air-conditioning. But when the mini-marathon of Bethenny Getting Married? ended, and we couldn’t handle True Life or The Fabulous Life of…, I turned to my DVR to see what else we could plow through. Enter: The Hills.

My cousin was busy on her Blackberry, so I thought it would go unnoticed that I hit the play button and didn’t just change the channel. But then she asked, “Is this on your DVR?”

Foiled! And, I might add, slightly embarrassed. But yes, I’ll admit it: Among society’s acceptable TV fare of Mad Men, Modern Family, and Parks and Recreation, I also DVR The Hills (that is, when it was still on), The City, and, when it’s on, Keeping Up With the Kardashians. I happen to have liked mulling over the inexplicably interesting relationship between Justin Bobby and Audrina on The Hills. I like to stare at Olivia Palermo’s fake smile on The City. And the Kardashians? Well, I’m not sure what the draw is, but I’m fascinated nonetheless.

I polled some other brave PopWatchers, who shared with me their potentially embarrassing DVR list:

Michael Slezak: “My husband DVRs reruns of Star Trek: The Next Generation (it’s programmed to always save the four most recently aired episodes), and I’d say that is definitely our worst series recording. He’d probably say it’s my combination of The Bachelorette and Kourtney & Khloé Take Miami. And I hate to admit it, but he’s probably on the right side of this debate.”

Emily Exton: Degrassi. Even with a new batch of characters (Drake’s moved on to bigger and better things) and recycled storylines (pregnancy scares, drug use, sexual abuse) I can’t get enough of this über-dramatic high school and their cute Canadian accents.”

Tanner Stranksy: “I DVR Days of Our Lives everyday. I don’t know if it’s so much embarrassing as it is just sad that I’m holding on to the show. I only tune in about once a month, but I sort of love that I’ve always got an episode of it handy if I totally need to zone out into the ridiculous world of Salem for an hour on a Saturday afternoon.”

Jennifer Armstrong: “I don’t really get embarrassed — I cover teen and tween TV, so I’m over it and always have a valid professional excuse. However, I can see how someone might be embarrassed for me given the volume of Nickelodeon programming I not only have on my DVR, but also very much look forward to. I defy you not to watch iCarly or Victorious, however, and not end up in a better mood because of them. They are just plain funny and sweet, without any exhausting pretense at hipness or edge.”

Annie Barrett: “I tape The Insider, even though it is SO STUPID. I tell my boyfriend it’s for work, which is technically true. I like to pair the fake fights with a nice glass of white zin on ice and maybe a two-pack of Ho Hos. Total trash.”

What are you guys embarrassed to admit is on your DVR? Share your secret below! And as you can see from my taste, I’m not one to judge!

Photo: MTV

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