The Hollywood Insider: Harry Potter abandons 3-D

''Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1'' leaves the third dimension, and the ''Deadliest Catch'' captains return to Discovery

Harry Potter finale abandons 3-D, at least for first installment
In a sign that 3-D technology is still experiencing growing pains, Warner Bros. announced Oct. 8 that it’s dropping plans to convert Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows—Part 1 to 3-D in time for the Nov. 19 release date. ”Despite everyone’s best efforts, we were unable to convert the film in its entirety and meet the highest standards of quality,” said the studio in a statement. ”We do not want to disappoint fans….”

The decision to ditch 3-D didn’t come easily. ”They had done enough to know that it looks really great, but not enough to get it done in time,” says an insider. One option was to push back the release date, but another source says this was never seriously considered. Warner had already been deluged with bad press after Clash of the Titans and its hasty 3-D conversion became a poster child for all that was wrong with the format. Now the studio and its technology partners can spend the needed time to convert Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows—Part 2 (due out July 15, 2011) into a 3-D experience everyone can embrace.

Returning Deadliest Catch captains describe battle with Discovery
”More stressful than crab fishing.” That’s how Time Bandit captains Andy and Johnathan Hillstrand describe the ordeal that found them, along with Northwestern captain Sig Hansen, temporarily quitting Deadliest Catch last month. It started when the trio scheduled personal appearances that allegedly conflicted with Hillstranded, a Discovery special about the brothers investigating Alaskan myths, set to air next summer. ”We thought Discovery had everything they needed, but then they came back and said they needed pickup shots, so our schedule was pretty much screwed,” says Andy Hillstrand, speaking exclusively to EW. ”We just said enough’s enough.” Fortunately for fans, both sides came to an agreement on Oct. 7, and now the three men are signed for two more years of Catch. Says Johnathan Hillstrand, ”We just want our lives back, sort of. But it’s a little too late for that. So we’re sticking around. We are glad to be back and we’re glad that everyone is happier.”

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