Piers Morgan's viewership drops for Night 2

Piers Morgan’s new CNN talk show lost a significant chunk of viewers his second night on the air, but the Brit beat Fox News in the network’s key demographic.

With Howard Stern as his guest, Piers Morgan Tonight delivered 1.3 million viewers Tuesday night — down 38 percent from his Monday premiere, which featured Oprah Winfrey.

Among adults 25-54, however, Morgan climbed 6 percent to 551,000 viewers and was able to edge out Fox News’ Hannity (2.2 million viewers, 506,000 in the demo) in the hour.

In third all around, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show had 1.2 million and 265,000.

As usual, Stern made some headlines with his appearance last night. He ripped Jay Leno, calling him a“crook,” “insane,” and “not fit to scrub David Letterman’s feet.”

Read more:

Howard Stern to Piers Morgan: Jay Leno is ‘a crook’

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