Sue Sylvester says to 'Stop Believing'


Sue Sylvester is continuing her rampage against the upcoming Glee: The 3D Concert Movie. In the first trailer, Jane Lynch’s non-jubilant track suit-wearing villain/occasional (non-singing) voice of reason insisted, “This thing sucks!” Now, in the latest spot for the Glee flick, Sue is urging tempted moviegoers to “Stop believing!” and is going so far as to warn, “Concert movies can kill you… or at least bore you to tears.” Still, we can’t understand why Sue is so upset about this (besides double taxation), because from the looks of it, there’s no Will Schuester to be found. Instead, there’s an adorable dancing tot dressed up like a Warbler! Watch the full clip below.

Read more:

‘Glee: The 3D Concert Movie’ trailer

Jane Lynch may host Emmys, but would you prefer that Sue Sylvester take over?

‘Glee’: 30 Quippy Sue Sylvester Gems

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