'Happy Endings': Meet the Parrots episode

Happy Endings
Photo: Adam Larkey/ABC

Hellllluuurrr, Happy Endings fans! As per usual, last night’s hysterical new episode was chock full of we-dare-you-to-keep-up-with-us pop-culture references. (Ali, Entourage, Rear Window, and of course, The Wire, were just some of the inspired gems mentioned.) But, there was a nice little added bonus to all of the whip-fast HE madness: Guest appearances by pop-culture gems Michael McKean, Ed Begley Jr., and Megan Mullally, who was making her second appearance on the show. (Oh yeah, and a racist parrot was there, too.)

We learned a lot about our nutty little gang in the episode titled, fittingly, “Meet the Parrots.” For starters, they all go way back. Aside from, obviously, the harmonious Kerkovich sisters (“We would finish each other’s… pizza!”) it was revealed that most of the group grew up with one another and are like family. In fact, in Penny and Dave’s case, they might be exactly that soon. When Dave’s recently-divorced dad (McKean) rolled into town for a visit, he brought along his new girlfriend… Penny’s singing mom, Dana (Mullally).

Dave, troubled by the news and the new changes Dana (namely soy steak and tofu skinny jeans) instilled in his dear old dad, reverted back to childlike behavior and took his aggression out on “stupid” Ed Begley Jr., playing himself at a soy convention. Penny, on the other hand, was thrilled by the pairing, which seems especially odd considering it was revealed at the end of last week’s episode that she and Dave appear to have feelings for one another. If that’s still the case, then Dave was right and all of that “little bro” talk should only be done by Johnny Drama.

Elsewhere, Brad, Alex, and Max were up to some no-good shenanigans. Alex, who inadvertently adopted a racist parrot named Tyler off of Craigslist (as far as shady birds go, it was right up there with Brian Fellow’s credit-stealing parrot) to keep her company in her store, then starts a stakeout with Brad and Max to see if the Chinese restaurant across the street was actually running an illegal sex ring. (Yep, it was ridiculous as it sounds.) The crack team eventually figured out that it was actually an ESL class and that they really need to catch up on The Wire.

There are not many shows that can actually make a talking animal bit work, but then again, the firing-on-all-cylinders-Happy Endings can do just about anything right now. (Damon Wayans Jr.’s hilariously high-pitched reaction to the bird made the entire parrot plot line worthwhile.)

Some of the best lines from last night’s Happy Endings:

  • “Duh, they’re both Middle Eastern dishes” — Alex, on Baba Booey and Boutros Boutros-Ghali
  • “We weren’t that close” — Penny, on her relationship with her Kid Sister doll
  • “Me, Hitler, Carmen Electra. Tauruses, yo!” — Brad, on his famous 4/20 birthday
  • “I thought we weren’t going to tell anybody we saw that movie during our not bummer summer” — Max to Brad after he made a Judy Moody reference
  • “Saying ‘Just like on Blue Bloods‘ doesn’t have the same pop” — Max, on why he kept saying “Just like on The Wire
  • “Energy crystals are stupid, dream catchers are stupid, Ed Begley Jr. is stupid!” — Dave, having a tantrum
  • “I don’t have time to read everything that’s stuck to me” — Max
  • “Like John C. Reilly after a kickball game” — Jane, describing Penny’s bad hair days in the summer
  • “Bird, you straight trippin'” — Brad, to Tyler the Racist Parrot
  • “You straight trippin’, bird” — Max, to Tyler the Racist Parrot

Which lines and moments had you in stitches during last night’s Happy Endings, PopWatchers? Was it Dave’s dad turning into a bit of a racist parrot himself (“I was at the black mall”) or Alex having to hold a sippy cup because of her infamous (albeit framed) spilled milk incident? Share in the comments section below!

Read more:

‘Happy Endings’ recaps

‘Happy Endings’: Megan Mullally and Michael McKean guest star — EXCLUSIVE VIDEO

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