Fairies, superheroes, Nazis, and ghosts

Jane Goldman's filmography favors the fantastical -- with one notable exception

Goldman and writer-director Matthew Vaughn’s fairy fantasy extravaganza starring Claire Danes and Michelle Pfeiffer underwhelmed at the box office.

Goldman and Vaughn cranked up the mayhem for their controversial kid-superhero movie. ”It’s appropriate viewing for adults,” says Goldman. ”It was never intended for children.”

The Debt
This well-reviewed thriller about Mossad agents is the rare non-genre entry on Goldman’s résumé. She co-wrote it with Vaughn and Peter Straughan (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy).

X-Men: First Class
Goldman says she and Vaughn enjoyed a ”huge amount of freedom’ on the reboot. And she’d happily return for a Vaughn-directed sequel: ”I’m there.”

The Woman in Black
”I wanted to write something that was intelligent and had an emotional core, but was as scary as possible,” says Goldman of the Radcliffe-starring spookfest.

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