New trailer for Joseph Gordon-Levitt's sci-fi action movie 'Looper' might throw you for a loop


In the last three days, director Rian Johnson and actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt released not one but two teasers for the trailer for their upcoming film Looper — and in one of them Gordon-Levitt cranked the expectations meter pretty high, calling the movie “my favorite thing I’ve ever done.” Pretty big words from a guy whose credits include, among other things, Inception, (500) Days of Summer, 50/50, and the upcoming The Dark Knight Rises, not to mention Johnson’s whip-smart, under-seen 2005 high-school noir Brick. So what is Looper? Well, now we have a trailer, which promises a gritty, mind-bendy sci-fi-action ride with Gordon-Levitt as a hit man who has to assassinate his future self (Willis), complete with lots of bullets and explosions, lots of time scrambling, and lots of style—plus, the initially jarring sight of Gordon-Levitt’s face rendered almost unrecognizable so he more closely resembles a young Willis (he evidently spent three hours in the makeup chair every morning).

Looper opens Sept. 28. What do you think of the trailer? Does it live up to teaser-for-the-teaser-level hype for you?

Read more:

The ‘Looper’ trailer teaser got us thinking: Do teasers for trailers actually work?

WonderCon: In ‘Looper,’ Joseph Gordon-Levitt transforms into a young Bruce Willis — FIRST LOOK

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