'Good Afternoon America' premiere: What did you think?

Photo: Lou Rocco/ABC

ABC, I think you have something here.

Monday marked the debut of Good Afternoon America, a chat show/news program hybrid that plucked Good Morning America personalities Lara Spencer and Josh Elliott from the background and tossed them into the forefront. The result? A fun, fresh-yet-familiar daytime program that was pretty successful, considering it was the first show.

Sure, it was rocky. (They cut off guest Liza Minnelli!) Sure, the segments need refining. And sure, they were clearly a little nervous, But I adore this pair. As on GMA, Elliott’s laid-back demeanor and Spencer’s bubbly (but not overbearing) personality complemented each other. Once they have time to get comfortable in their new roles, I think this GMA cousin will really click.

What can I do without? The lame, View-like roundtable, which was complete with a “Hot Topic”-like theme. I mainly took issue with the topic — Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ reported conflicted spiritual beliefs. The subject seemed a little low-brow for the pair, and I didn’t buy that the hosts were interested in it either.

GAA is currently slated for a limited run (until Sept. 7), but I saw potential for more. With Katie Couric’s self-titled talker debuting in fall and General Hospital planned for 2 p.m., would you like to see room made for more GAA? Did you like it better than The Chew? The Revolution? Nevermind. Of course you did.


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