Madonna calls Obama a "black Muslim"

Does Madonna actually think Barack Obama, a practicing Christian, is secretly Muslim? Or does she just enjoy poking fun at those who do? Regardless, she’s on the president’s side — though Obama’s campaign might not want her to be.

At a concert in Washington, D.C. last night, Madonna refrained from taking swipes at Elton John or Lady Gaga. Instead, she took a cue from her politically-charged surroundings, pausing at one point to drink some water and muse about the sorry state of our government. After name-checking Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr. — “They killed him, as they do,” she said about both men — Madge got a little more optimistic: “It is so incredible to think that we have an African-American in the White House,” she said enthusiastically as the crowd cheered. “Those fine human beings did not die for nothing!”

That would have been the perfect time to stop talking. Instead, Madonna elected to say this: “So y’all better vote for f–ing Obama, okay? For better or for worse, all right, we have a black Muslim in the White House, okay? Now that is some sh–. That’s some amazing sh–. It means there is hope in this country. And Obama is fighting for gay rights, okay? So support the man, goddamnit!”

Er… yeah. Again, it’s tough to tell whether Madonna meant the “black Muslim” thing to be sarcastic — but either way, her comments are pushing our love over the borderline. Check out a video of Madonna’s speech (including some NSFW language) after the jump.

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Madonna zings Lady Gaga: ‘Imitation is the highest form of flattery’

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