'Man of Steel' trailer to play before 'The Hobbit'

If you weren't able to make it to Comic-Con this year, don't worry: Your local showing of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (opening Dec. 14) will recreate roughly 70 percent of the experience.

Director Zack Snyder told MTV News on Tuesday that the first full trailer for his Superman movie Man of Steel (out June 14, 2013) will unspool before Peter Jackson's return to Middle Earth. "I can't wait for The Hobbit," said Snyder, "so it will be fun to see our crazy Man of Steel trailer and then enjoy The Hobbit because that's going to be great."

But if you prefer your geekery more sci-fi than superhero or fantasy, don't worry. Paramount announced last week that Star Trek Into Darkness will also get a splashy preview in front of The Hobbit — either the first full nine minutes of the film in IMAX 3-D, or the first full trailer in front of conventional theatrical showings.

Your move, The Wolverine, Pacific Rim, and Thor: The Dark World.

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Read more:

'Star Trek Into Darkness' to debut first nine minutes in IMAX sneak preview

Up, up, and away! 'Man of Steel' will be released in 3-D and IMAX

'Man of Steel' teasers bring wise words from Superman's two fathers — TWO VIDEOS

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