Ann Curry starts 26 acts for Sandy Hook

Ann Curry
Photo: Fernando Leon/Getty Images

As a response to the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School last Friday, Ann Curry had an idea. In an article she wrote for NBC News, Curry talked about her struggles reporting from Darfur in 2007, and how, as a response to dealing with that horror, she did something small and positive, in that case, giving photographs to people. This past weekend, Curry tweeted, “Imagine if everyone could commit to doing one act of kindness for every one of those children killed in Newtown.” She originally tagged her remark #20Acts, but that’s now been bumped up to #26Acts, with some people doing 27 or 28.

Since Curry’s original tweet, the movement of kindness has taken off, with #26Acts quickly becoming a top trending topic on Twitter. Curry herself has been championing the kindness, retweeting many of the original kind ideas people all over the world are coming up with and performing.

Below are 15 random acts that inspired us:

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