Giggly Anne Hathaway on singing in a coffin during 'Les Mis' -- VIDEO

Even if you haven’t seen Les Misérables yet (What is wrong with you?) you’ve probably heard that Anne Hathaway is Oscar-worthy in her role as the doomed Fantine. Jon Stewart told her as much last night, when the “redonkulous” actress stopped by the Daily Show to promote the flick.

A giggly Hathaway shared some behind-the-scenes moments about filming her big number, “I Dreamed A Dream,” including the time when director Tom Hooper had her singing the song in a coffin. When Stewart teased her about the lack of gag reel moments from a film full of A-listers, Hathaway shared that during the filming of the finale, she tripped while climbing under the camera and laughed her way through the lyric, “Take my hand, I’ll lead you to salvation,” while Amanda Seyfried and a playing-dead Hugh Jackman struggled not to react.

Check out the interview – which also has Stewart stumbling over pronouncing ‘Misérables’ – below:

Read more:

Russell Crowe responds to Adam Lambert’s ‘Les Mis’ criticism

‘Les Miserables’: The EW Exit Poll!

Anne Hathaway’s cautionary Oscar advice for host Seth MacFarlane — EXCLUSIVE

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