Brad Pitt and Michael Fassbender in 'The Counselor' trailer

All trailers for Ridley Scott movies based on Cormac McCarthy screenplays must be in Russian!

The Counselor, which stars Brad Pitt, Michael Fassbender, Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz, and Cameron Diaz, opens in the U.S. on Oct. 25, but the Kremlin got the first look at this dark tale. Fassbender plays the counselor in question, who learns the hard way that you can’t be just “a little” involved with the drug trade. The mere plucking of that wire-clothesline — essentially a highway garrote — sets the tone for this dusty, stylistic journey into the heart of McCarthy’s west.

Plus, cheetahs. The visuals alone look like McCarthy penned his own southwest version of Scarface.

If you prefer English, here’s the non-Russian trailer:

Read more:

Ridley Scott teams up with Cormac McCarthy

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