Bret Easton Ellis: Robert Pattinson was first choice for 'Fifty Shades'

After countless rumors, fake magazine covers, secret conversations, and fan-made movie trailers, Charlie Hunnam has officially been cast as rich-playboy-with-a-secret Christian Grey in the big-screen adaptation of E. L. James’ Fifty Shades of Grey. But that doesn’t mean he was the author’s first choice.

According to Bret Easton Ellis, who had once expressed interest in writing the screenplay, James pictured Robert Pattinson in the role of Christian, who’s described in the books as having dark copper-colored hair and, of course, those unforgettable gray eyes.

Ellis tweeted that not only was Pattinson James’ first choice, but that fan favorites Matt Bomer and Ian Somerhalder were “never in the running.” Check out Ellis’ tweets below:

Talked to E.L. James at a party over the summer: her first choice for Christian was Rob Pattinson and Matt Bomer was never in the running.

— Bret Easton Ellis (@BretEastonEllis) September 2, 2013

E.L. James and I were at Rob Pattinson’s house when she admitted that Rob was first choice for Christian. Ian Somerhalder never in running.

— Bret Easton Ellis (@BretEastonEllis) September 2, 2013

James is yet to respond, so what are your thoughts, PopWatchers? Would Pattinson have been better than Hunnam? And is it possible that people as beautiful as Bomer and Somerhalder were never in the running?

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