Banksy hits New York with daily street art

Welcome to New York, Banksy.

Or not.

The notorious U.K. street artist (and Exit Through the Gift Shop subject) hit the walls of NYC this week with a new month-long ���exhibit,” his first work in the city since 2010. After announcing the show Tuesday, his first piece — a stencil depicting a boy grabbing a can of spray paint from a sign saying “Graffiti Is A Crime” while standing on another boy’s back — appeared in the Lower East Side and was painted over less than a day later. The second has also been removed.

So far, the disappearances haven’t deterred the artist, who continues to post a piece a day along with an accompanying audio clip on his website that’s meant to “enhance your enjoyment.”

While we’re waiting for his next pieces to appear, we’re keeping track of what he’s done so far. Below are the images Banksy has posted, and tell us, PopWatchers, will you be following the elusive artist along for his show?

October 1

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