Carrie Preston teases 'Good Wife' return

Carrie Preston The Good Wife
Photo: David M. Russell/CBS

The quirky Elsbeth Tascioni is back! Carrie Preston’s Emmy award-winning Good Wife character returns to Sunday’s all-new episode, “Outside the Bubble.” Lockhart/Gardner hires Elsbeth to represent them in a sexual harassment suit brought on by an employee. Gary Cole’s Kurt McVeigh and Rita Wilson’s Viola Walsh also pop up in the ep. Here, Preston teases her role in “Outside the Bubble” and weighs in on the Diane/Will/Alicia drama that’s been brewing so far this season.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Congrats on your Emmy win!

CARRIE PRESTON: Thank you! It was so unexpected, but it was quite an amazing outcome. I didn’t think that they would give The Good Wife a guest-star Emmy two years in a row [Ed. note: Martha Plimpton won for The Good Wife in 2012]. Plus, I had been up for the Critics’ Choice Award with Jane Fonda, and she won [for The Newsroom]. I figured that set the trend. I thought, “It’s probably going to be Jane Fonda.” And then I started thinking, “Well it could have been any of the other women.” I wasn’t confident at all that it would be me. I felt like I’d already won by just being nominated.

What can you tease about Elsbeth’s return?

Well the writers have written me a delicious little turn, as they do, with Elsbeth. They always give her such fun little obstacles to overcome, and this will definitely be along those lines. It adds a little levity to the very serious things that are going on in the show right now. I think it’s a nice balance to bring Elsbeth in right now before the proverbial S-star-star-T hits the fan.

Does Elsbeth have to deal with any of that drama?

No. She’s brought in just for this one particular case.

As a fan of the show, what do you think about the animosity between Will and Diane?

I think it’s really exciting, but it’s also upsetting to see. It’s so sad to see that because [Will and Diane have] been so loyal to each other for so long. To see them at odds with each other and cutting each other off like that is upsetting. I like that alliance!

Do you think Alicia’s making the right choice by leaving Lockhart/Gardner?

I don’t know. It seems like she’s going to keep getting in hot water with Will, and she’s trying to get herself out of that situation. I think she’s probably doing what’s best for herself personally, but I don’t know if that’s the best thing for her career. And now that she’s been thrown this other curve ball, with Will wanting her to step in to Diane’s place, it’s going to be a tough decision.

Will you be in any more episodes this season?

So far, just this one. I keep hearing rumblings that there will be more, but everybody’s running out of time because I have to go back to work on True Blood. I’m not allowed to do [The Good Wife] while I’m shooting True Blood. So I’m hoping that they’ll bring me back. More importantly, I’m hoping HBO will allow me to go back. They’ve been very generous.

Anything else you want to add about Elsbeth’s return?

No. I think I’ll just let fans enjoy the quirk. But I’ll be curious to hear what people think about it after it airs.

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