'Girls': See the latest trailer

That sort of sums everything up, doesn’t it?

In this newest trailer for Girls season 3, Shoshanna marvels at how little her three older pals have accomplished in the four years since they graduated college. (Wait — we don’t count spending two days hooking up with Patrick Wilson as an accomplishment?)

If the clip is any indication, that all could change in the show’s upcoming episodes. Hannah, at least, seems like she’ll find some success during a meeting with a publisher. But elsewhere, things seem pretty business as usual; Marnie is telling someone standing offscreen that he can’t break up with her. Jessa is looking moody and pseudo-European. Hannah is doing spit takes and dancing around and incessantly talking about food. (It’s like she knows what the haters are saying!) At least they still seem to be having a little more fun than they did last season.

Girls season 3 premieres with back-to-back episodes Jan. 12 at 10 p.m. on HBO.

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