Woody Allen's lawyer addresses abuse allegations on 'Today' show

Elkan Abramowitz, Woody Allen’s attorney, appeared on the Today show this morning to discuss the now decades-old molestation allegations against Allen. The charges initially made headlines in 1993 when Allen was accused of molesting his adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow. While Allen was never formally prosecuted, the charges were brought up again on Feb. 1 when Dylan herself wrote a piece for the New York Times detailing the alleged abuse.

In the interview with Today anchor Savannah Guthrie, Abramowitz called Dylan “a pawn in a huge fight between [Allen] and Mia Farrow years ago” and claimed “the idea that she was molested was implanted in her by her mother.” Abramowitz continued that he doesn’t think Dylan is lying, but rather that she truly believes the abuse occurred because the memory was instilled in her at such a young age. “Everyone talks about the presumption of innocence; he isinnocent,” Abramowitz insisted.

Guthrie brought up the custody case between Mia and Allen over Dylan, where a judge said Allen’s behavior was “grossly inappropriate” and denied him visitation rights. Abramowitz counters that the judge was simply “wrong.” “The case is over,” he says. “There is no case.”

Watch the full interview below:

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