What should Simon Cowell do next? 5 suggestions

Now that Fox has officially pulled the plug on The X Factor, we can’t help but wonder what veteran reality competition judge Simon Cowell is going to do to with all the newly acquired free time (you know, when he’s not judging The X Factor in the U.K.). And because we hardly think Cowell will sit around and do nothing (though, that is an option we’ve put up for suggestion!), here are five options for Simon’s first career move, post-The X Factor.

Join America’s Got Talent as a judge. OK, we know what you’re thinking: Join yet another competition show after jumping ship on American Idol in favor of The X Factor only to have it tank in the ratings? This may not seem like Cowell’s best choice as far as his next career move here in the U.S., but the fact of the matter is, joining the AGT judging panel is still a possibility for the A&R exec. For one thing, Cowell is already an executive producer of the show. Secondly, joining a show that airs in the summer means Cowell wouldn’t have to worry about competing with other popular singing competitions like Idol or The Voice in the ratings.

Rejoin Idol. If absence truly does make the heart grow fonder, it’s very possible that after a few years away from American Idol, fans of the hit singing competition are starting to miss Cowell’s brash persona as a judge. Perhaps the time is right for Cowell to return to where it all started and make his big comeback. Then again, people are really enjoying the vibe between the current judging panel — though that vibe hasn’t translated to ratings, so maybe Cowell would do the trick.

Stick with British TV. News of Fox pulling The X Factor from it’s TV lineup comes hot on the heels of Cowell announcing that he has decided to return to judge the U.K. version of the show. Perhaps the best option overall is for Cowell to head back to his home country until the next great American reality competition comes along. Plus, this option would give all of us here in the U.S. a chance to miss him.

Move over to CNN. This one may be a little far-fetched, but maybe it’s time for Cowell to pursue a different career entirely. Just as we suggested for Jay Leno, perhaps the network, currently struggling in the ratings, wouldn’t be opposed to giving Cowell a shot at hosting in a late-night slot. Or maybe CNN could replace former AGT judge Piers Morgan, who, much like Cowell himself, seems to be hit or miss as far as his likability goes.

Do nothing. As the age-old saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder, and taking a much-needed break could be just what Cowell needs to recharge and gain a new wave of momentum. Who knows, maybe if he stays out of the limelight for a few years, television audiences across the globe will miss him so much, they’ll be begging for him and his tell-it-like-it-is tendencies as a talent competition judge to come back on air.

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