Entertainment Geekly Podcast: 'Sherlock' and the 2014 Geek preview

Entertainment Geekly Sherlock
Photo: PBS

This week on the Entertainment Geekly podcast, Jeff Jensen and I talk about the somewhat-controversial-or-maybe-not decision that Benedict Cumberbatch’s super-sleuth made at the climax of the latest season of Sherlock. The result is a minor reprise of last summer’s epic Man of Steel debate — albeit calmer and less intense, since we’re older and wiser now. Suggestion for further reading: Jeff’s essay about the Sherlock finale. (Spoilers, natch.)

Then it’s time to look at the year ahead at the things that excite us. Some of them are totally original (Interstellar!) and some of them are somewhat less original (the eighth Planet of the Apes movie) — not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Listen to the complete podcast below or check us out in the iTunes store. Tweet arguments and counterarguments to us at @EWDocJensen and @DarrenFranich.

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