Jimmy Kimmel tries to top Ellen with three Clintons in one selfie

Photo: Twitter

Are three Clintons a fair swap for one Bradley Cooper?

Jimmy Kimmel seems to think so. He tweeted this selfie — featuring Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton — to his 3.76 million followers on Saturday night:

Kimmel took the photo at the Clinton Global Initiative University in Tempe, Ariz., where he interviewed the former first family in front of more than 1,000 students. Though impressive, it’s going to have a hard time besting Ellen DeGeneres’ star-studded, record-breaking selfie tweeted during the Academy Awards. That post, which Kimmel’s tweet references, was shared over 3.4 million times.

Meanwhile, Kimmel didn’t get too far trying to break news about Hillary’s plans for a potential presidential run in 2016, either. When a student asked about the race, the former United States Secretary of State responded that she is “very much concerned about the direction of our country” and is “obviously thinking about all kinds of decisions” regarding her future, according to The Associated Press.

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