Retirement home rebels and dreamers pass the time in 'Wrinkles' clip

Wrinkles 01

Former bank manager Emilio (Martin Sheen) is none too happy when his family ships him off to a retirement home in the emotional but quick-witted animated film Wrinkles. But then he meets his scheming, know-it-all roommate Miguel (George Coe), and this new chapter begins to take on a life and an energy all its own as they navigate the tricky waters of life in the home.

Described as One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest in an old folks home, Wrinkles is based on Paco Roca’s popular graphic novel. Director Ignacio Ferreras released the hand-drawn animated pic in Spanish in 2011 to great acclaim, prompting interest in an English-language version as well. That version, which also features the voice talents of Matthew Modine, hits theaters on July 4 and VOD/DVD on July 15.

Though there is plenty of snark and blue comedy throughout the film, take a look at one of the sweeter moments in the exclusive clip below featuring one of the home’s many characters and her romanticized, heartbreaking delusions.

“I didn’t really make anything up,” Roca said in a statement. “The real anecdotes are so good, they couldn’t be improved. Emilio is the father of a good friend of mine…I also met a lady who spent all day sitting at a window convinced she was on a train. To get her to eat something, she had to be told she was in the dining car.”

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