Hackers threaten to leak alleged sex tape of Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea has endured criticism for her role as a now Grammy-nominated hip-hop artist—but now, a hacker group has promised to publicly shame the musician unless she apologizes for comments about her music and her current place in the hip-hop community.

A Twitter account associated with the hacker group Anonymous, @TheAnonMessage, threatened to publish video and stills from an alleged sex tape involving Azalea unless she apologized to rapper Azealia Banks after recent tweets both had made. The hacker group account has since been suspended, but Vulture rounded up some of the tweets, which claimed the dirt on Azalea would be bigger than the sexual abuse scandal currently surrounding Bill Cosby.

The group made its threat after Azalea’s tweets late last week, in which she responded to Banks’ earlier criticism of the white rapper. Banks said she was concerned that Azalea appropriates and identifies with black culture for her work, but doesn’t address the social and political issues affecting black communities. Banks elaborated on her stance in an interview with Hot 97.

Azalea was also criticized on Twitter recently by rapper Q-Tip, co-founder of A Tribe Called Quest. In over 30 tweets, Q-Tip addressed Azalea directly, describing hip-hop’s place in black culture as integral to a sociopolitical movement. He detailed the genre’s beginnings from the ’70s and the role it played as it grew into a global movement. Q-Tip asks that Azalea understand the history of hip-hop before she considers herself part of it, and hopes that this will open up a dialogue between Azalea and the larger hip-hop community.

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