Louis. C.K. plays Mayor Bill de Blasio's anger translator at Inner Circle dinner

Photo: Richard Drew/AP

Louis C.K. has no issue voicing his anger about everyday pproblems in his stand-up acts, but over the weekend, he became the voice of outrage for someone else—New York City mayor Bill de Blasio.

C.K. and Mayor de Blasio appeared onstage together at the annual Inner Circle dinner in New York on March 28. There, the comedian stood next to de Blasio, occasionally chiming in with what were billed as the mayor’s true thoughts. The event serves as a New York City-focused version of the White House Correspondents dinner.

The two covered everything from Vision Zero, the mayor’s plan to reduce pedestrian deaths, to de Blasio’s real feelings about the journalists in the room. But there was one subject C.K. refused to poke too much fun at—the city’s police force.

YouTube users Iris Zimmerman and Azi Paybarah posted video of the two on stage at Inner Circle, as well as more footage from the event. And for those who may think the premise of their bit sounds suspiciously like Key & Peele‘s Luther and Obama sketches, don’t worry. C.K. fesses up that “we stole this bit from Key and Peele, by the way.”

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