Paul Giamatti is anti-dildo in 'Inside Amy Schumer' clip

Photo: Comedy Central

Tuesday night’s episode of Inside Amy Schumer was a full-length parody of 1957’s 12 Angry Men, featuring multiple male stars debating whether Schumer is hot enough for TV. To help come to a decision, the men brought in a piece of evidence: Schumer’s dildo. (You may remember a similar scene in the original film, with a knife standing in for the dildo.)

Paul Giamatti’s character argues that if Schumer were attractive, she wouldn’t need a dildo to get off. Then again, he also insists that “women didn’t need orgasms,” according to “science”—so he’s not exactly trustworthy. John Hawkes counters Giamatti’s reasoning by whipping out his own wife’s dildo. “We use it, and we love it,” he insists. What ensues is a dildo showdown (and no progress on deciding whether Schumer deserves to be on TV). You’ll have to watch the whole 22-minute parody to get the full effect—but this is a great place to start.

Inside Amy Schumer airs Tuesdays at 10:30 p.m. on Comedy Central.

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