Chris Pratt on those Indiana Jones rumors: 'You don't want to be the guy who f---s that up'

Photo: BEN WATTS for EW

Chris Pratt is having the best year ever. Guardians of the Galaxy was a huge hit. Parks and Recreation had a critically acclaimed final season. Now, Jurassic World looks to open huge on June 12. And there have been rumors that Steven Spielberg, an exec producer on World, wants Pratt to star in an Indiana Jones reboot.

For EW’s cover story this week, Pratt couldn’t confirm or deny the conversations but was definitely apprehensive about taking on such an iconic role. “You have to look at it and be like, ‘Is this right for me?'” says Pratt. “Is it right for me to do this? And is it perfect? You don’t want to be the guy who f—s that up.”

He does say that it’s kinda cool to even be included in rumors like that. He admits, “It’s pretty crazy that people hear that and they don’t go ‘What?!? That f—ing dude!’ What has happened in my life that you can see THAT?!”

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