Lego Jurassic World trailer features Lego Chris Pratt and Lego Indominous Rex


The trailers for Lego Jurassic World have focused largely on how the game has recreated the original Jurassic Park films. The new trailer for the game offers a peek at the attractions that have featured heavily in the new film’s trailers, as well as some of the dinosaurs that now call the park home. And while Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow said the new Indominous Rex “an abomination and a killer,” in Lego form the beast looks, unsurprisingly, adorable.

Lego Jurassic World will let players travel through the stories of the four Jurassic films, playing as both human characters and dinosaurs. The TT Games game will release alongside the film on June 12 for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Wii U, and Nintendo 3DS.


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