Donald Trump on John McCain to Bill O'Reilly on The O'Reilly Factor: GOP candidate won't apologize

Photo: Fox News

Donald Trump recently declared John McCain is “not a war hero” — and he’s not really backing down from that statement.

The presidential candidate appeared on The O’Reilly Factor Monday night, where host Bill O’Reilly asked Trump to clarify his comments about McCain. But Trump responded by repeatedly saying he didn’t do anything wrong.

“Sharyl Attkinson analyzed what I said,” Trump said, referring to an author who wrote about his McCain comments. “She looked at it and said, Trump did absolutely nothing wrong. He said the right things. In fact, he said ‘war hero’ four times.”

Trump went on to further dodge questions about McCain, until O’Reilly said, “You do think John McCain is a hero, I know you do.” Trump replied simply, “I do.” Watch the entire exchange above.

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