Michelle Rodriguez on Running Wild with Bear Grylls: Eats a mouse soaked in her own urine


If NBC ever decides to revive Fear Factor with celebrity guests, they can consider Michelle Rodriguez’s appearance on Running Wild with Bear Grylls her disgusting audition tape.

The Fast and Furious actress appeared with Grylls and was tasked with chowing down on a mouse. But Grylls isn’t a monster — he wanted to make sure that mouse was clean to eat, so he and Rodriguez boiled the mouse in a pot of her own urine. With such demands, though, he probably shouldn’t have been commenting on the smell of urine.

Watch the video above at a safe enough time following a meal to see whether Rodriguez goes through with the meal.

Ed Helms rescues Bear Grylls on Running Wild (well, sort of)

Kate Winslet recreates Titanic scene on the side of a cliff for Running Wild with Bear Grylls


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