Donald Trump & Fox News: A brief history

Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images file

Donald Trump will appear on Tuesday’s edition of The O’Reilly Factor, ending his six-day boycott of Fox News. That media stoppage is not the first time Trump and Fox have butted heads. Below are some of the highlights of their up-and-down, on-again, off-again relationship so far this year.

Jan. 29, 2015: Trump calls out Bill O’Reilly for “bad and very deceptive journalism” after The O’Reilly Factor ran promos featuring Trump without him being on the show.

O’Reilly later calls Trump and asks, “What’s your beef?”

June 16, 2015: Trump announces his presidential bid and sits down with Bill O’Reilly for his first post-announcement interview.

June 29, 2015: Fox hosts, including Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, and Megyn Kelly, defend Trump’s controversial remarks on immigration after NBC ends its business relationship with the reality show star.

July 8, 2015: During an interview segment on All In with Chris Hayes, Trump praises Fox for talking about immigration: “Nobody wants to talk about it, and that’s why Fox, at least Fox is being honest because they’re now talking about it bigly.”

July 21, 2015: Trump praises Fox & Friends at a campaign event in South Carolina: “Fox & Friends is so great. Brian, Steve, and Elisabeth, they’re great people.”

Aug. 6, 2015: Fox host Megyn Kelly serves as the moderator for the first GOP debate and grills Trump on his history of negative comments about women.

Aug. 7, 2015: Trump criticizes Fox News and Megyn Kelly after the debate.

Trump later slams Kelly again, telling CNN’s Don Lemon, “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever.”

Aug. 24, 2015: Trump goes on another Twitter tirade against Kelly after she returned to her show from vacation.

Aug. 25, 2015: Fox News chief Roger Ailes releases a statement regarding Trump’s comments about Kelly: “Donald Trump’s surprise and unprovoked attack on Megyn Kelly during her show last night is as unacceptable as it is disturbing.”

Sept. 21, 2015: Trump phones in to On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, and later blasts Bill O’Reilly for inviting “Trump haters” onto his show.

Sept. 23, 2015: Trump announces that he’s boycotting Fox News.

Shortly after, Fox News releases a statement about Trump’s boycott: “When coverage doesn’t go his way, he engages in personal attacks on our anchors and hosts, which has grown stale and tiresome.”

Later that night, Trump tweets about Fox News and commentator Rich Lowry, who said that Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina “cut his balls off with the precision of a surgeon” during the second GOP debate.

Sept. 28, 2015: Fox News announces Trump will appear on Tuesday’s edition of The O’Reilly Factor.

Trump begins the segment with “You have always been fair to me, Bill. I have never had a problem with you. You have always treated me with respect and fairly and I have always appreciated that.”

Throughout the interview, O’Reilly continually asks if the questions he’s posing are fair, and Trump ends the appearance with “You were very fair. You are always fair. Almost.”

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