Friday Night Lights: Scott Porter, Gaius Charles, Matt Lauria reunite

Photo: ScottPorter/Twitter

The words “Texas Forever” are so strong that they can bring people together who never even played on the same team. Proof? Friday Night Lights star Scott Porter tweeted a photo hanging out with former costars Gaius Charles and Matt Lauria.

As fans of the show know, Porter’s Jason Street and Charles’ Smash Williams were teammates on the Dillon Panthers, whereas Matt Lauria’s Luke Cafferty came into the fold in season 4, and therefore was too young to play with those guys. Furthermore, he eventually was forced to transfer to the East Dillon Lions.

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But there’s one thing that bonds them all: The words of Tim Riggins. As Porter’s tweet read: “‘Good friends…livin’ large in Texas’…and babies.” Okay, so the “and babies” part was a recent addition by new father Porter, but the rest of it was all Tim.

The only question that remains is: Where in the world is Tim Riggins and how long is his hair? (But also, what would Coach Taylor say?)

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