Hear a preview of the 'Locke & Key' audiobook featuring Kate Mulgrew -- exclusive


In Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez’s family ghost story comic Locke & Key, unlocking a door doesn’t just mean entering a new room; it also allows you to teleport, or change genders, or enter an alien world. The series itself has passed through its own door, transitioning from comic book series to full-blown audiobook play. In this exclusive clip from the Locke & Key audio production, fans can get a sense of how the story has adapted to the new format. Listen below.

In the comic, the spite Candice Whedon directs to her grandson Rufus is illustrated by Rodriguez’s sharp lines and distinctive facial expressions. In this telling, that hatred is conveyed via harsh vocals from Kate Mulgrew and authentic coughing to create the smoke-filled atmosphere. Other high-profile members of the cast include Haley Joel Osment as murderous, misunderstood Sam Lesser; Tatiana Maslany as the female form of the demonic Dodge; and cameos from Hill, Rodriguez, and Stephen King, among others.

The Locke & Key audio play is currently available for preorder on Audible’s website. It will be released on Oct. 5, and can be downloaded for free until Nov. 4.

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