Daniel Craig: James Bond is 'actually a misogynist'

Photo: Susie Allnutt

Daniel Craig doesn’t hold any illusions about the globe-trotting super spy he’s played in four films, good or bad. Speaking with The Red Bulletin — Red Bull’s web site, obviously — Craig quickly shut down a question about what wisdom James Bond might be able to impart on us lowly humans on a daily basis.

“Nothing,” he said.

Revisiting the subject of Bond’s character later, Craig said what many of us already know: that the MI6 agent has some problems with women.

“Bond can be a gentleman. Sometimes, anyway. He’s a considerate person, he takes care of business, and he looks out for other people and his family. He’s someone who opens doors for people — for everyone, that is, not just women,” Craig said. “But let’s not forget that he’s actually a misogynist. A lot of women are drawn to him chiefly because he embodies a certain kind of danger and never sticks around for too long.”

Craig, of course, has spoken out about Bond’s sexism before. “Hopefully, my Bond is not as sexist and misogynistic as [earlier incarnations],” he told Britain’s Esquire last month. “The world has changed. I am certainly not that person. But he is, and so what does that mean? It means you cast great actresses and make the parts as good as you can for the women in the movies.”

If you want to know a whole lot more about Craig’s latest round as Bond in Spectre, you should pick up the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly on newsstands today or available here.

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