Does Supergirl have sex? Andrew Kreisburg answers burning questions

Photo: Cliff Lipson/CBS

During Monday’s Supergirl, volatile radio personality-turned-supervillain Livewire (Brit Morgan) raised a great question, albeit through pretty uncouth means: “How would [sex] work with an alien? Is everything the same down there?”

Though Supergirl marks the third superhero series in the Berlanti-verse, The Flash and Arrow have really yet to explore what sex between superheroes looks like — emphasis on super, we’re not talking about Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) trysts with Sara (Caity Lotz) or Laurel (Katie Cassidy) or Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) or … surely there are more, but moving on.

But with Kara (Melissa Benoist) just coming into her own as a hero, the subject of sex isn’t at the top of the list to be explored. “Honestly, for us it’s more about somebody who has never quite felt right in her own skin and that’s prevented her from having [opportunities],” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg tells EW. “It’s not that she’s never dated before and never had the occasional boyfriend, but she’s never really been in love, and never really truly had a relationship, because she didn’t feel comfortable doing that, and opening up, and sharing something that she’s kept hidden for so long.

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“Now that she’s not hiding it, she’s finding herself more torn between what kind of person do I want,” Kreisberg continues. “Do I want someone who is aware of all the things that I can do, somebody like Jimmy [Mehcad Brooks], or are there other people out there who just like me for me, for Kara? And the complications that ensue when Kara Danvers is on a date with a guy and she suddenly has to go fly and put out a building fire. For right now, those are more of the questions that we’re wrestling with more so than the aerodynamics of superhero nookie.”

Given the show’s time slot, you shouldn’t expect anything too salacious anyway when it does come time to broach that subject. “The show is on at 8 o’clock,” Kreisberg says, though recognizing that Arrow has shown steamy scenes in the same hour over on The CW. “Arrow is a very different kind of show.”

Supergirl airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.

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