Rihanna new album Anti website

Photo: Christopher Polk/Getty Images

Rihanna debuted a website on Thursday in anticipation of her upcoming album, Anti. But it didn’t clear up all that much about her highly anticipated eighth studio album.

The singer shared a link on Twitter and Instagram to ANTIdiaRy.com, which prompts users to access it via their mobile devices. There, people can create accounts and sign up for… something. As of this posting, there is no content beyond a video, which Rihanna shared on Instagram and features shots of the singer, a distorted audio file, and a door opening.

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An explanation — or something — will come Monday during the American Music Awards at 8 p.m. ET promoting the site, along with Rihanna and Samsung’s partnership. The singer reportedly struck a $25 million last month with the tech company around the release of Anti and its ensuing world tour.

Rihanna announced Anti as the title of her new record, long-rumored to be R8, last month, along with the artwork. There is no estimated release date, but Rih wrote in October it is “coming soon.”

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