The Walking Dead: Christian Serratos says Rosita is 'unraveling'

Photo: Gene Page/AMC

Lost in all the “Glenn is still alive!” hubbub of Sunday night’s episode of The Walking Dead was a strong scene between Rosita and Eugene where Rosita chastised the mullet man for not paying attention during her weapon-wielding class and saying he is afraid of dying. “Dying is easy,” Rosita told Eugene before informing him that what he should be scared of is living after others have died and knowing he didn’t do everything to keep them safe.

It was a powerful exchange and showed Rosita emerging as a more vocal leader, but according to the woman who plays Rosita, it also showed a bit of something else: weakness. Christian Serratos stopped by Entertainment Weekly Radio (SiriusXM, channel 105) to talk all things Walking Dead, and gave us her unique insight on Rosita’s big scene.

“I was so thrilled to do that scene, for a plethora of reasons,” says Serratos. “Josh [McDermitt] is one of my closest friends on the show. Coming in together as Abraham’s army, we kind of have this bond, and him and I get really excited to do juicy things on the show. And the words that she was saying were very powerful and I hadn’t had the opportunity to do that yet before.”

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Yet Serratos also says there is something else going on in Rosita’s psyche as well that led to that confrontation with Eugene. “She’s kind of got this mystery about her and I love that,” continues Serratos. “And it’s a part of who she is. She observes and she’s very methodical, but it was cool to finally see her unravel a little. And in that moment, she comes off very strong and came off a little harsh maybe in some people’s minds, but, for me, you saw her weakness last night, because she’s kind of unraveling. She doesn’t know where Abraham is and it’s kind of taking a toll on her. And so her getting angry and her lashing out at Eugene was her vulnerability, so that was very exciting for me to do.”

Serratos also expanded about Rosita’s view that dying is the easy way out. “Dying in this world and the world that they live in is easy,” she says. “It is very easy. You check out, you’re gone. But yeah, making sure that everyone you love and care about is taken care of and alive — that is the strenuous part. We deal with a lot of really deep, dark emotions on the show but they’re very real. These are the real-life emotions that we feel and we go through, just in a compact space. So seeing people struggle with loss and all those things is really, really powerful and exciting to see.”

To hear Serratos discus last night’s big scene, just click on the SoundCloud player below. And for more Walking Dead scoop, follow me on Twitter @DaltonRoss.

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