Billy on the Street: Jessica Parker episode has Eichner passionately defending Sex and the City 2

Photo: Tru TV

Critics didn’t exactly like Sex and the City 2 (the 2010 movie has a 15 percent on Rotten Tomatoes), and Billy Eichner just doesn’t get it: In a new clip from Billy on the Street, the host yells about how much he loves the movie to franchise star Sarah Jessica Parker, who seems to feel similarly … even though Eichner doesn’t really let her get a word in because he’s too busy airing his own grievances.

“People said, ‘Oh, I don’t believe them going to the Middle East!’ ” Eichner said before bringing up a sci-fi-loving friend who claimed Sex and the City 2 wasn’t “believable.”

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“I said, ‘Oh, you can’t believe they go to the Middle East but you believe in f—ing Chewbacca?’ You f—ing turd. ‘They can’t go to the Middle East.’ You’ll believe anything that happens on some planet George Lucas made up but you can’t believe Kim Cattrall would film for a few weeks in Morocco?”

Watch the clip above, and see the full episode when it airs on truTV Thursday at 10:30 p.m. ET.

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