Kurt Russell would love to bring The Hateful Eight to Broadway

Photo: Andrew Cooper

While publicizing his new Western, The Hateful Eight (out Dec. 25), writer-director Quentin Tarantino has repeatedly said that he is thinking of restaging the film — which stars Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Bruce Dern, and Samuel L. Jackson, among others — as a Broadway play. So would Russell, who plays a bounty hunter known as the Hangman in the film, consider reprising his role on The Great White Way?

“I would put everything down to do that,” the actor says in an interview with the Entertainment Weirdly show on Sirius XM’s Entertainment Weekly radio channel. “I’m one of the few in [the cast] who is not much of a stage person — I’ve only done one play. I would be really excited about the possibility of doing that. I think it would be fantastic to see the original cast on Broadway, or whatever. Just from my point of view, it would be a spectacular opportunity to work with these actors in a different environment. It would be great. I’d love to see that happen. I think Quentin would do some really special things.”

Russell’s costar Leigh, who plays a prisoner of the Hangman named Daisy Domergue, also says she would jump at the chance to perform The Hateful Eight onstage.

“I think it would be a phenomenal night in the theater, really exciting and surreal,” suggests the actress. “Of course! We all loved each other so much, we’re still texting each other daily. So the idea of getting to work with everybody again and also make something great that only Tarantino could do, I think it would be tremendous.”

But here’s what we really want to know: How many musical numbers would there be? “He could do that,” laughs Russell. “Hateful Eight —The Musical? I’m in!”

You can hear the full interview with Russell and Leigh on Entertainment Weirdly, Entertainment Weekly Radio, 1 pm ET, Jan. 4.

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