Midnight Special second trailer


Everyone wants Michael Shannon’s Roy, and apparently with good reason. His son, Alton, has mysterious, powerful gifts with no shortage of potential in both the right and wrong hands.

But what the exact nature of those powers may be or how they function remains a mystery in Midnight Special‘s latest trailer, a continuation of director Jeff Nichols’ desire to keep the particulars of the movie a secret until its release.

What the new trailer does reveal more is a bit about the hunt to find Roy and his family, the danger it puts them in, and the internal struggle he and his ex-wife, Sarah (Kirsten Dunst), have in whether it makes sense to actually hold onto their son. Does he really belong with them at all?

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The trailer doesn’t answer the question that Sarah poses, but watch above to see more of Roy’s fight to hold onto his son and those, like Adam Driver’s Paul, who are pursuing him. Midnight Special, which also stars Joel Edgerton and Sam Shephard and is both written and directed by Nichols, hits theaters on March 18. For more on the film, check out EW’s exclusive first look and interview with Nichols.

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